Carrots For Import & Export - خضروات وفواكة طازجة و مجمدة

الخميس، 13 سبتمبر 2018

Carrots For Import & Export



free from preservatives

IQF Technology is applied

well cleaned

cut (3:5 cm)
Shipping: As per customer's request
Price per ton FOB

Price: 0,00$

We are happy to contact you to answer your inquiries and follow up
 the procedures of your claim. We are always at your service

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - Mobile /+966534780415
  Whatsapp Mobile /+ 966534780415

 Egypt - Tel / +201018634828
 Whatsapp Tel / +201018634828



United Kingdom,, Sweden , Luxembourg, Hungary , Cyprus , Croatia , Bulgaria , Belgium ,  , Spain , Austria 
, Slovenia , Slovakia , Romania , Portugal , Lithuania , Ireland , Greece , Germany , France  
, Poland, Netherlands , Malta , Latvia , Italy , Finland , Estonia , Denmark, Czech Republic 

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